What We Are
PYSA is a newly minted and exciting 501(c)3 nonprofit established in 2020 created to bring sailing and sailboat racing to kids from the New Hampshire and Southern Maine Seacoast.
In so doing PYSA provides a path to teach teamwork & the competitive spirit, while learning to ride the wind and have fun!
Relationships built on the water and race course alike instill honor lasting straight through secondary and further, higher education.
These maritime skills and lifelong values will serve today’s young people well.
Truly experiences never forgotten, certain to be passed on.

Our Mission
PYSA‘s goal is to be sure any Seacoast Area young person that wants to sail, will sail.
PYSA will collaborate and support other local, regional youth sailing programs.
PYSA will provide assistance in the form of scholarships so no kids are ever left out.